
All the traditionaltherapies such as acupunture,cupping,guasha,tuina and string
embedding,sound,light,electricity, magnetism and heat has something to do with

To interpret the academicideology of contralateral insertion in Huang Di
Nei Jing and the theory experiment of sending, receiving,
corresponding and conducting of the biological electric wave of the human body.

是东西方医学文化的完美结合的自然疗法。在中医整体学术理论指导下,遵循人体自我调控系统功能,在疾病的对应密码区,采取适当刺激方法,瞬间达到人体气通、液通、经络通(生物电信波通)的治疗目的。It is a nature Therapy that perfectly combines the Orient medicine and the Occident medicine. Under
the direction of the academic theory of Chinese medicine, follow the self
regulating system of human body, properly stimulating the corresponding part of lesion part can make Qi ,blood and channels (the biological electric wave ) unobstructed and achieve the
remedy goal.2013-02-28
mcxzy 阅读 20 次 更新于 2024-10-05 21:25:25 我来答关注问题0
  • 经络疗法是依据祖国医学的基础理论经络脏象学说,进行对症治疗的一种简易疗法,常用病例有: 《一》神经衰弱和遗精:在腰部肾俞穴和志室穴,用手摸到扁平结节,病员会感到酸痛沉重的感觉。在肾经的复溜穴、阳谷穴,可摸到条索形结节。用手指在摸到的结节上推按揉压,能起到较好的治...

  • 你好,考虑可能是胃肠炎,建议可以服用庆大霉素(口服)、喹诺酮类抗生素,如氟哌酸、环丙沙星等抗生素治疗。指导意见平时注意多运动,多喝水,多补充些维生素B12、维生素E及锌保护胃粘膜,养成每天排便的习惯。戒烟戒酒,不吃生冷刺激的食物。

  • 病情分析:你好,考虑可能是胃肠炎,建议可以服用庆大霉素(口服)、喹诺酮类抗生素,如氟哌酸、环丙沙星等抗生素治疗。 指导意见:平时注意多运动,多喝水,多补充些维生素B12、维生素E及锌保护胃粘膜,养成每天排便的习惯。戒烟戒酒,不吃生冷刺激的食物。

