用艾叶50克,胡椒10克,陈皮20克,焙黄为末,加白酒少许,纱布裹,睡前放于脐下3寸处(关元穴),上压热水袋,具暖肾湿经止痛之效。 临睡前将双手2011-09-28
I'm a clever boy. I often get up at 7:00 a.m. on the weekend. After breakfast, I often do my homework at home. Sometimes I go to the park with my parents. I always have lunch at home. I never have lunch outside. I like reading books, and I go to the library once a week. I hardly ever go to the cinema. I play volley twice a month. I think I should do more exercise to be more healthy2016-01-13