
1 Diet acrimony excitant food.

2 should not be taking medication during the warm drug.

3 pregnant women and the spleen deficiency symptoms: abdominal pain, diarrhea, warm with caution.

4 children, lactating women, elderly and diabetic patients should be taken under the guidance of the physician.

5 it is heavy or local softening pus, or tonsil suppuration and whole body hyperthermia should be to the hospital.

6 after 3 days without relief of symptoms, should go to the hospital.

7 allergy to this product is disabled, allergic caution.

Prohibition of the use of 8 when the characteristics of the product change.

9 children must be used in adult care.

10 please put this article in contact with children cannot place.

11 if you are using other drugs, please consult physician or pharmacist before using the product2023-07-30
mcxzy 阅读 3 次 更新于 2024-11-16 05:44:58 我来答关注问题0
  • 你好朋友,这种情况有可能是妇科 感染 引起的,最好是检查一下 白带 常规和妇科彩超,,确诊后再治疗,注意阴部卫生和复查即可,祝您健康。

  • 补中益气丸是一种常用的中成药,主要用于治疗气虚引起的症状。以下是关于补中益气丸的使用方法和注意事项: 使用方法 服用剂量:口服,一次1袋(6克),一日2-3次。 服用时间:宜空腹或饭前服为佳,亦可在进食同时服。 疗程:具体疗程...

  • 病情分析:你好,脾胃虚弱应该以健脾益气,和胃渗湿为主。 指导意见:建议你口服健脾丸,参苓白术散来进行治疗.如果是脾胃虚寒导致的,建议多吃葱姜蒜,胡椒等.如果是脾胃虚弱的人,应该多吃红枣,山药,扁豆,芡实,莲子肉等.如果胃热素盛,应该多吃梨,藕,甘蔗等.

